5 Reasons Why a Business Need a Website

5 Reasons Why a Business Need a Website

5 Reasons Why a Business Need a Website

Digital advancement starts with a website. If you want to keep up with it, you need an optimized and accessible website. Here’s other major reason why you need a website…



Your website is your number one marketing asset because we live in a digital age. People spend on average 23.6 hours online per week and are on their mobile devices for up to five hours per day. By now, consumers expect companies to have an online presence (including a website) and will consider a company that DOESN’T have one as less professional.



One of the benefits of having a website for small businesses is to be where your consumers are. There’s a reason so many companies invest in a website with search engine optimization (SEO): 97 percent of people go online to find a local business, and 93 percent of online experiences begin with a search engine. Believe it or not, there are 3.5 billion searches on Google per day, and at this very moment, there is someone in your area online and searching for your exact service. Guess who’s getting their business?



Consumers primarily use a company’s website to find and engage with businesses. Their online experiences begin with a search engine—plus– they use approximately three sources before making an individual purchase decision, and 30 percent engagement loss from having no website.



In 2018, 75 percent of people admit to making judgments on a company’s credibility based on website design. People are more likely to do business with a company they trust, and a website is the first place they go to check for credentials, reviews, and awards.

Beware, though—if you have a bad website design, it won’t help you at all. You have 10 seconds to leave an impression on website visitors and tell them what they’ll get out of your website and company. After this time (and oftentimes before), they’ll leave.



This is especially true for B2B companies. People visit your website when they want to know something or do something. They also expect immediate gratification, which means visitors should be able to answer three questions within three seconds of landing on your website:

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do/offer?
  • How do I contact you?

We live in an age of NOW, where consumers want the information they seek immediately—meaning your company’s website should answer each of the questions above without the user needing to scroll down the page at all.  A good website will answer basic questions right away—which could free up time if you’re spending a lot of it answering questions on the phone.



With more people going online to buy products or do business, it is crucial that your business is online, too. With the rise of digital advancement shows no signs of slowing down, the next question is: Is your business ready for it? If not, you may want to get on board the digital train now. Consult with us to have your website built professionally.

10 Ways  to Secure your WordPress site

10 Ways to Secure your WordPress site

10 Ways to Secure your WordPress site

Many are using WordPress as their website due to its ease of use, lots of great features and having powerful SEO means it’s no surprise that WordPress is the number one Content Management System (CMS).

But with that popularity, comes a risk. As with any popular software, WordPress attracts hackers who will try a number of ways to exploit your site. The last thing you want is to wake up to find your site hacked, suspended for hosting malware or sending phishing emails.

The cost to your reputation, let alone the cost of fixing the hack and restoring your site to a safe and secure level, could be extremely high. It’ll also take a long time to recover the lost trust from your clients. And that’s without factoring in any damage to your search ranking if Google deems your site to be high risk.

But don’t despair. You can easily secure your WordPress site and prevent hacking attempts with some simple security housekeeping.

So here are ten simple ways you can secure your WordPress site.

Simple Tip 1 – Two-Factor Authentication Login

Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for logging in is one of the simplest but most effective ways of preventing brute force attacks. It works by adding an extra layer of login security by requesting additional proof of ID, such as a mobile generated code or secret questions.

WP Google Authentication plugin is an excellent example of a 2FA plugin that can easily be installed to secure your site’s login.

Simple Tip 2 – Implementing Login Limits

Reducing the number of login attempts is a simple but effective way of preventing determined hackers and unauthorized manual login attempts. All that’s involved is a locking mechanism in the login retry of your WordPress login page.

The WP limit login plugin lets you prevent any attempted brute force attack to your login page by blocking any IP addresses that cross the threshold of failed login attempts in any given time period.

Simple Tip 3 – Change Admin Login URL

Most people will leave their WordPress admin login set to the default one, which will usually end in either wp-admin or wp-login.php.

You can make your site more secure simply by changing this to something less predictable such as /wp-login.php? or my_login.php etc.

This simple step alone will stop most automated brute force attacks which are set up to attack the default admin URL page. The iThemes security plugin is a comprehensive security plugin that allows you to do this.

Simple Tip 4 – Make Your Passwords Secure

Sometimes the simplest options are amongst the most effective and changing passwords is just good, basic security.

Let’s face it, if your password is as simple as abcd123 then it’s just a matter of time before someone breaks into your site. Best practice is to make sure you use a combination of lowercase, uppercase, special characters and numbers for your password. Try to make your password at least 10 characters long using the above combination and you’ll definitely make your life lot easier.

If you need help with generating a secure password then use this password generator tool.

Simple Tip 5 – Password Protect the WP-Admin Directory

The most important directory of your WordPress website is wp-admin directory. Therefore, it makes sense to password protect it to add an extra level of login security – one for logging in and one for WordPress admin area. This can be achieved using the AskApache Password Protect plugin.

Of course, an administrator will often need to visit a certain directory of wp-admin, so unblocking those directories can make administration easier while locking the rest of the directory.

Simple Tip 6 – Forcing Strong User Account Passwords

If your blog has multiple users, say from other members of your blog or external contributors, then it would be best to ensure that they are forced to use strong passwords.

Using a plugin like Force Strong Passwords will make sure your admin area is secure. This plugin will make sure that your users are forced to choose secure, difficult to break passwords which incorporate good password protocols, such as using a mix of characters (upper and lower case), numbers and symbols.

Simple Tip 7 – Switch to HTTPs (SSL/TLS)

Switch from insecure HTTP to secure HTTPsby using an SSL Certificate. This creates an encrypted, impenetrable link between the browser and the web server. Aside from the benefit of extra security, HTTPs is actually a stated Google Ranking Factor. So as well as better security, you get a better ranking!

Simple Tip 8 – Always Monitor WordPress Files

If your WordPress files are tampered with by a hacker, you’ll want to know about it as quickly as possible to minimize any damage. Plugins like Acunetix WP security  or Wordfence can monitor your WordPress files to track any changes made to them and notify you.

In fact, the Wordfence plugin is one of the most installed security plugins in WordPress. It has live security scanning, monitoring, intrusion detection and prevention features all built in so if you’re looking for an excellent security all-rounder then this plugin is definitely worth considering.

Simple Tip 9 – Perform Regular Back-Ups

If you follow the tips in this post, then hopefully your site won’t get hacked. However, if you do get hacked, the last thing you want is to have to start from scratch or try to work out how to remove any infected files and make your site safe again.

The best way to address this is to ensure that you take regular back-ups of your site. Backing up your sites will allow you to restore your websites from previous working copies if required. There are a number of WordPress plugins that can help you do this such as Vaultpress, Backup Buddy or blogVault.

There is a cost involved with some of these but when compared to the alternative of having a hacked website with no back-up, it is a price worth paying.

Simple Tip 10 – Keep WordPress and Its Plugins Updated

One of the most common security issues with WordPress is having an out of date version or an out of date plugin.

In fact, one of the most common ways hackers can hack into your WordPress website is through plugins that haven’t not been patched or updated to the latest versions. However, many plugins have automatic update options so you should consider configuring them to make use of this feature.

WordPress has an automatic update feature from version 3.7 onwards. If you are unsure that you have the latest version, you can check at the official WordPress site.

TIP: Download only plugins that are from the official WordPress website. This will make sure you aren’t being tricked into downloading malware to your site.

These tips are simple but very important in keeping your site hack-free. If all these seems a daunting task, don’t worry as we are here to help you, as your WordPress Support partner.

The Importance of having an updated WordPress, plugins and theme

The Importance of having an updated WordPress, plugins and theme

The Importance of having an updated WordPress, plugins and theme

WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system. It dominates other markets, like eCommerce, so it’s definitely not just for blogging. According to W3Techs, WordPress powers 34% of all the websites on the Internet, including those without a content management system (CMS) or with a custom-coded CMS. Or to put it another way, WordPress powers over one-third of the web!

Of course, such popularity has not gone unnoticed.


The dangers of not updating WordPress websites

Cybercriminals targets  Wordpress websites for attack since there are millions of them. That is why it’s VERY important that WordPress site owners keep their platform, themes and installed plugins up-to-date.


Update WordPress to help maintain security

WordPress websites that are not up-to-date, run the risk of being compromised and used for spam, phishing schemes or malware distribution.

Updates are constantly being released for WordPress, adding new features and addressing security vulnerabilities as they are discovered. Upgrading to the latest version of WordPress will reduce the chances of your website being compromised.


Don’t forget your plugins & themes!

Likewise, plugin developers rollout updates for their plugins to build on functionality and fix vulnerabilities that are found. Running an outdated plugins can put your WordPress website at risk.

Some WordPress themes are also updated on a regular basis, although not typically as often as plugins are. Theme-based vulnerabilities aren’t as common, but they still exist.


Other security measures

There are other things you can do to increase the security of your WordPress website, like setting up a website firewall , configuring htaccess to restrict access to certain folders & files, changing the DB prefix, and more.

But you will still have to keep your actual WP installation, themes and plugins updated.


Having difficulty keeping your WordPress or plugins up-to-date?

Updating WordPress is easy, although plugins can sometimes be tricky. There is the possible chance of experiencing compatibility issues between plugins and/or themes. If you have trouble updating your website, we offer WordPress website management service to help keep your WordPress website safe and secure.

Choose from our pricing to avail our WordPress management service.

6 Important Reasons Why You Need a WordPress Support Partner

6 Important Reasons Why You Need a WordPress Support Partner

6 Important Reasons Why You Need a WordPress Support Partner

What is a WordPress Support Partner ?

WordPress support partner is a  a person or company that performs all the tasks necessary to keep a WordPress website up to date and in good, working condition so that it works pretty well and shows up correctly with the latest web browsers and mobile devices. They provide tasks related to WordPress fixes and maintenance to name a few:

  • Security monitoring
  • Frequent site backups
  • Regular updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins
  • Optimization of website for performance and results
  • Plugin installation and configuration
  • Debugging and fixing of site issues
  • Designing and redesigning
  • Cloning of pages
  • And many more.

Why You Need WordPress Support Partner?

There could be more than enough reasons to have a WordPress Support partner to do your WordPress tasks depending on the nature of your business and the help you need to put up and maintain your business website. But I have listed below the most important ones:


1. Professionalism and expertise

Why do you spend several hours a day working on your website when you could be concentrating on your business? You could delegate that to others whose expertise is doing just that. It could save you time and effort minus the frustration.

Putting up a website needs a lot of work. It’s not as simple as registering a domain name, getting set up with a hosting account, and grabbing your theme. There’s migration, customization, integration and making the site work in all browsers and devices.. and then there’s more…

Think of all the stuff that would need regular monitoring, maintenance, and updating after your website is live…

  • Themes
  • Plugins
  • Security
  • Changes in copy or design
  • Coding
  • Site backups
  • WordPress upgrades
  • Analytics and activity monitoring
  • Broken links or images
  • Performance optimization
  • Hosting issues

And the lists goes on and on…

In order to keep your website running and looking as professional and well-maintained as it should be, you need to hire a service/someone with a commensurate level of professionalism and expertise as you would want to reflect on your website. Stop playing around with your site and let the expert do it.


2. Optimization of website elements for results

Like we’ve established above, chances are that you aren’t proficient in matters of website management.

If your website must get you results, it needs to perform effectively. And for it to perform effectively, its elements need to be optimized for things like:

  • Speed
  • Higher search engine rankings
  • Appealing designs
  • Great user experience
  • Better conversion rates

Outsourcing these tasks to a website support partner that knows their stuff inside and out can only grow your business.


3. Quick and lasting solutions to tough technical issues

The process of running a website comes with lots of advanced level technical challenges. Think of problems like internal server errors, syntax errors, not displaying images and the white screen of death, for instance.

You would need expert help to fix this issues in a timely manner. Sure, you can reach out to your web hosting provider for help, but a more reliable way to quickly deal with these problems is to have experienced hands who are dedicated to fixing them.


4. Time-saving

Your time is valuable and you have lots of things to do. But you need to get certain things done to keep your website running.

Rather than burn the candle at both ends — doing website and business — you ought to outsource your website upkeep to an expert who can manage it for you. That way, you can fully concentrate on your business, which translates to income potential.

Your Wordress support partner will be able to get stuff fixed quickly than you could ever do on your own.

This rings truer if your website is already receiving some traffic. If something goes wrong, you need to be able to fix it as fast as possible to bring your website back to normal.


5. Operational efficiency

Having less time on your business to manage your website is not only going to sabotage your sales, it’ll also jeopardize your operational efficiency.

It’s super important to give an undivided attention to your business — delivering an excellent service to your clients. But since your website is an essential part of your business, it is equally important to take care of it but by having a WordPress support partner.


6. Your competitors are doing it

Almost all of the serious businesses you see online have professional persons behind their websites in one way or another — developers, designers, content writers, SEOs, admins, and others.

It’s because they recognize how important a well-maintained online presence is for their business.

If you want to compete and win, you cannot afford to get sidelined. You need to act fast and get help so you can focus on your strengths while letting go of all worries about your website and building a profitable business in the process.


Wrapping up…

Your website is the online presence of your business. It’s important to keep it in a good shape.

On the other, your business process is essential, too. You need to focus on it.

Trying to strike a balance between the two may not be the best idea. That’s why it is recommended to outsource your WordPress tasks to the right WordPress team for a managed, dedicated support. In return, you will get more time, better conversions/sales, a stronger web presence, a smoothly running business, and more.

See it as a smart business investment rather than just an expense.

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